Contra Costa Plein Air Paint-Out
Thursday, December 14, 10 am - 2 pm
Lafayette Reservoir
3849 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Lafayette CA 94549
Let's go back to the Lafayette Reservoir and paint at our favorite area around the Visitor Center. While you're there, I'd like to invite you to come inside the Visitor Center to see a little exhibit of my paintings and enjoy some refreshments with me!
Enter the park at 3849 Mt. Diablo Blvd. and drive up to the main parking lot. In the middle of the parking lot there are ticket machines where you can purchase a One Day Parking Permit for $7. From there turn right and drive down to the Visitor Center. It's next to the docks with all the colorful boats.
Parking at the Visitor Center is a loading zone only, but there’s a large all-day parking lot just up the hill that’s convenient. I suggest popping into the loading zone to drop off your gear, then driving up the hill to park. From there you can walk down a series of steps to the Visitor Center.
I'm attaching a map to help you find our paint-out spot at the Visitor Center and clarify the parking.
Day use fee is $7, restrooms are open, rain cancels. I hope to see you there!
Nancy Roberts