Contra Costa Plein Air Paint-Out
Sunday, October 1, 10 am - 2 pm
Diablo view across from Northgate High School
425 Castle Rock Rd., Walnut Creek CA 94598
Let's go back to one of our favorite locations, the Diablo view across the street from Northgate High School in Walnut Creek. Mild weather is forecast, so it should be a nice day. Air quality seems to be OK now, but it's always a good idea to check on conditions the morning of the paint-out. If you're uncomfortable with the air quality it's best to stay home.
Head to Northgate High School, 425 Castle Rock Rd., Walnut Creek CA 94598. Park in the wide shoulder area across the street from the school, then walk out onto the trail to find your spot. The gravel edge of the trail is an active bridle path so let’s not block it with our set-ups. It’s also a popular walking path for humans. The trail is pretty wide, though, so there’s enough room for all of us.
Please note -- there are no restrooms at this location, so plan ahead. There are shopping centers within a short drive.
Admission is free. Rain cancels, but if it's just cloudy we'll go ahead and paint. I hope to see you there!